Fertility Programming
How many times have you been told to apply a product but not provided with the reason for applying it. Or given a program to use to grow a crop but they have not used soil, plant and water reports to explain the reason for that program. How many times have you used the same program year after year because your told that is what you use on this crop. When was the last time you were shown the nutrient removal rates for your crop and compared it to your fertilizer program and soils. Each Field can be different and may change from year to year. Your fertilizer program needs to change also to match your goals and your soil and plant needs through the growing season. We give you the tools to make decisions on what your needs are. We help take the guess work out of your program from planting to harvest. Sometimes you just need to finesse your fertilizer program a little with the right products.
There are five Key elements in the decision-making process for your fertility program.
FIRST: Review of soil reports. A soil report gives us a starting point. It tells us the soil structure, pH of the soil and the positives and negatives of the soil. It gives us an idea what the crop may need. But if we base our program on the soil report alone, we most likely will make mistakes in our program.
SECOND: Review of water reports. This tells us the quality of the water and what good or bad it may do to the soil and crop.
THIRD: Review of plant samples periodically through the growing season. This gives us a snapshot in time of how the plant is doing and what changes we may need to make for the future. It is critical to take these samples at specific points in the growing cycle to be able to make the changes to maximize our production.
FOURTH: Review of the nutrient removal rates for your crop and a comparison to your initial fertility program. This review will show how close you are to the comparison of needs and supply. The soil report is also part of this comparison because we want to take advantage of what we can get from the soil.
FIFTH: What we call Muddy Boots. It’s a review of all this data with the person who is walking that field every day. We need to know what he is seeing before and after fertilizer applications. Then to review production numbers after harvest.
Expert Compost Consulting
We can show you how it will benefit your program. We can assist you in establishing a composting operation of your own. We can help in designing and obtaining the equipment needed for the operation and instruct on the process of composting.
How our products can fit within you programs. Contact Us.